The minutes establish clearly that SAPA was aware that the N.C. Pottery Center had launched a hostile attempt to take over the Seagrove Pottery Festival and its profits. This could have no other effect than to destroy the Museum of N.C. Traditional Pottery shortly after Richard Gillson died.
The minutes express the belief that the abusive attack that was meant to destroy the Museum and steal its festival for the Center was orchestrated from state government (Cultural Resources/Arts Council) in Raleigh. It is a matter of public record that the N.C. Pottery Center has put itself in a financially precarious situation and that it, and its supporters, might have strong motives to try to take the profits of the Seagrove Pottery Festival for use by the Center.
Despite claiming to recognize that the Museum was victimized by the Center, many members of SAPA are prominently involved in efforts to undermine the Seagrove Pottery Festival by holding a competing event at the same time.
Begin SAPA minutes 4/1/08. All emphasis added.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sally Larson
To: 'Don Hudson'
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4:18 PM
Subject: truce
Don, I have here the beginning minutes of our Board meeting on April 1st to show you that we are on the same side. This was the day we all found out about the festival take over. These are for your eyes only and are NOT to be shared or quoted in any way by anyone. I will trust you to respect my wishes. I was just as upset as everyone else when this came up and believe me, SAPA doesn’t want to see anything happen to the Museum, they are such a good fit with us representing the area pottery while we focus on marketing. SAPA has no intensions to “take over” the festival, in fact we are offering to help in any way we can and have already committed to promoting it through our publicist. I agree with you that there was some very underhanded actions taken and those people have been exposed. You need to back off so further action can happen. No one is going to do anything if they think you are going to get the credit for it. Know that you’ve started something and hand it over for others to deal with. We need to let the Museum become stronger and able to stand alone. They are so fragile right now they don’t need this combative publicity. Sally
SAPA Board meeting minutes
Present: Sally Larson, Bobby Marsh, Crystal King, Meredith Smildsin, Byron Knight, Linda Koonce.
The Board welcomed Michael and Mary Mahan who came to speak about their concerns surrounding the future of the Seagrove Pottery Festival and the Museum of Traditional Potters. Michael overheard Denny [Denny Meacham, Executive Director of the Pottery Center] tell Jeffery Dean that the pottery center was taking over the Seagrove Pottery Festival and when asked if it was alright with the Museum folks and she replied with “it doesn’t matter”. Michael was worried that the festival would not remain a local event and wanted to know if SAPA was willing to lend a hand in keeping it local. The Judies at the Museum said they first heard about it Monday.
Sally mentioned she had heard similar statements from Denny. She stated that there is a community here which needs to be represented and then there is the state organization. This is clearly bothering everyone. Byron had checked with someone he knows at the county level and she reported to him that this was a done deal, the Museum will not be allowed to have their property and the Festival will be turned over to the NC Pottery Center., This is all occurring with the County support. There was discussion whether the Traditional potters owned the rights to the Festival and concerns that the Festival as we know it will not continue. With the States involvement it is very possible that potters who had attended in the past will not be allowed into the NC Pottery Center Festival. According to Byron’s source in the Randolph government, the County claims there was a meeting with the three entities, the Museum, NC Pottery Center and the Commissioners in Raleigh and all three agreed to this change. There was no clarification on who attended the meeting. His source was concerned that if the Center takes over the Festival it will be a loss in revenue not only to the potters but also to Randolph County. Crystal asked if we now need to become the voice of Seagrove Potters. Byron felt that if this goes off the way we are hearing about there will be potters who will go under.
Sally read a letter Denny forwarded to her from County Manager Richard Wells: Denny, just have people call me. I’ll be glad to answer their questions. Keep in mind that I am out much of the time, especially right now with the ¼ cent referendum May 6 and I am the spokesperson.
SAPA and everyone else need to give me enough time to meet with the Museum folks and begin working on a plan. There is no need for folks to get excited. Getting everyone organized and informed will take some time.
Michael was wondering who from the Museum actually met with the Commissioners because Judy Merritt didn’t know anything about it and she serves on their Board. It was obvious to everyone that if the Museum doesn’t put on the Festival and looses that income then they will go under and the idea that the state can take away the festival from them seems outrageous and the question is “how can they do that”? Sally had reported from a community member, not an official so it may be gossip that the problem may have arisen from the fact that Richard didn’t report the use of the funds they received from the County and that the County is concerned that the money was used to buy the building. Linda mentioned that when a grant is involved every penny must be itemized and that may be the core of the problem.
Sally felt that this was an opportunity for all of us to come together as a community and this may be the good that comes out of this. She said there wasn’t any reason that the Center can’t put on their own event and Michael said we want to maintain the Seagrove Pottery Festival run by local potters. Why can’t the Center “invite” the Museum to run their festival on their grounds?
Sally suggested we all do some research before we jump to conclusions. She will call Richard Wells, Bobby will call the School principal and Byron will check with his source and get back together. Crystal feels SAPA should make a statement that we are backing the potters in supporting the continuation of the Festival as it has been.
Sally thanked Michael and Mary for coming and called the meeting to order.
Sally Larson