See the article that has been attacked by so many who support the N.C. Pottery Center and falsely cited as justification for creating a competing festival.
Frankenstein's Monster, The North Carolina Pottery Center
The N.C. Pottery Center tried to take the Seagrove Pottery Fetsival and its profits before this article was even published. This is clear from the April 1, 2008 minutes of SAPA (see post below), though many of its prominent members are continuing the fight to destroy the Segrove Pottery Festival and destroy the Museum to show their support of the Center.
Don Hudson served with Richard Gillson for ten years on the Museum board. He created the Sanford Pottery Festival and the State Fair Pottery Display with Richard to showcase the work of Seagrove Area potters.
Lies have been told saying that the recent Sanford Pottery Festival publication was critical of Seagrove. It is, in fact, strongly supportive of Seagrove and paid a moving tribute to Gillson and was dedicated to keeping his festival and his dream of creating a permanent home in downtown Seagrove for the Museum alive.