Contact: Tammy O’Kelley, Director of Tourism
(336) 626-0364, ext 203
SEAGROVE – The 27th Annual Seagrove Pottery Festival has been selected as one of Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 Events for November, 2008. The event was first selected for the Top 20 list in November, 2007.
According to Tammy O’Kelley, director of tourism for Randolph County, inclusion in the Top 20 event list will extend the festival’s ability to market itself exponentially. “This is a very prestigious designation to have received two years in a row. Having this significant a media focus on the Seagrove Pottery Festival will help draw visitors from outside a larger radius, which means if they come, they will stay longer and have a greater financial impact on the local economy.”
The Southeast Tourism Society (STS) Top 20 Events publication receives extensive exposure in print, Internet, television and radio media throughout the U.S. and Canada. More than 800 newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, and AAA offices receive the Top 20 listings. The list is also featured on the STS Web site at, as well as their consumer Web site at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution prints the Top 20 Events as a regular quarterly feature in its travel section; and it was recently featured on the New Orleans-based radio show “Travel Talk Radio.”
This year’s pottery festival will take place on November 22 and 23 at Seagrove Elementary School. It is currently the only event where potters in the Seagrove area come together under one roof in their hometown to demonstrate, display and sell their work. The festival features first choice on new designs made especially for the event, limited edition special commemorative pieces and their popular Sunday auction.
For more information on the Seagrove Pottery Festival, contact the Museum of North Carolina Traditional Pottery at (336) 873-7887, or the Heart of North Carolina Visitor Information Center at (336) 626-0364.
The Heart of North Carolina is the official destination marketing organization for Randolph County Tourism Development Authority, representing Archdale, Asheboro, Franklinville, Liberty, Ramseur, Randleman, Seagrove, Staley, and Trinity. For additional information, please call (336) 626-0364 or go to